72 shades foundation – Lancôme Le Teint Particulier

There is only one correct shade of foundation — Yours. It is the assumption that Lancôme has made and worked its way from there by planning on once and for all ending the problem with choosing the right shade of foundation. Lancôme Le Teint Particulier Custom Made Foundation is the only foundation to match exclusively your skin tone. How’s this possible?

Until now, cosmetic manufacturers based on shades that match our skin complexion after application. As an example, let’s take Rimmel with the foundation in a gel form, Match Perfection Gel, with a technology called Smart-Tone™. It imitates skin and it’s complexion with innovative pigments.

If you have not yet found the perfect foundation among the hundreds of shades, you are left with mixing various shades yourself or making home-made cosmetics with a ready pigment. Both methods are equally time-consuming.

Lancôme has a better idea!

The brand has created a foundation available in 72 thousand shades! It’s surprising, especially when you take into consideration that all the foundations on the market have at most several dozens of shades and it is called the perfect match. How to choose your shade from 72 thousand versions? It is simpler than you could expect it.

Lancôme Le Teint Particulier Custom Made Foundation is the only custom-made foundation out there, where with client present, product is matched with her skin tone. Pigments are mixed in a proportion that allows creation of personalised cosmetic, perfect for you.

Lancôme Le Teint Particulier Custom Made Foundation

The smart make-up base by Lancôme can be bought in located in London, Harrods. This is where this brand has launched their special sales point — for the time being, the only one in the world. However, it does not look like regular beauty counter, but more like a small foundation factory. No wonder, considering that every foundation sold there is made there.

Buying Lancôme foundation has few steps:

  • We have to determine what foundation we need. You can choose out of low, medium of high coverage. You decide it on your own.
  • With help of portable device, a consultant scans three points on your face and based on this, the special algorithm chooses the best shade of the cosmetic.
  • The special machine mixes all the pigments and it results with a tester of Lancôme Le Teint Particulier Custom Made Foundation.
  • If cosmetic perfectly covers your skin, you get full volume bottle with custom printed label with your name on it.