Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief Serum for sensitive skin

Red spiders veins, dry skin, and maybe irritations? The best solution to these ailments will be the soothing serum for capillary and sensitive skin, Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief. Check how this product works, and then enjoy a beautiful and healthy face.

Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief Serum – effects

Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief Serum is designed for sensitive, capillary, reactive and acne rosacea skin care. It is a part of a soothing series that also includes an exfoliating lotion, moisturising cream, a toner, and a cleansing liquid for all skin types. It works on many levels of skin care:

  • reconstruction of the hydro-lipid barrier of the skin,
  • strengthening of blood vessels,
  • hydration in the deep layers of the skin,
  • combating free radicals,
  • irritation relief,
  • firming and brightening the skin.

Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief Serum – composition

The ingredients of Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief Serum has been selected so as to alleviate the irritation of sensitive skin and eliminate red spider veins on the capillary skin. The serum contains, among others: three types of ceramides, cholesterol, hyaluronic acid, liquorice root extract, lavender extract, coenzyme Q10 and plant extracts.

How to use Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief Serum?

Paula’s Choice Calm Redness Relief Serum is to be applied in the morning and evening to a thoroughly cleansed facial skin. The cosmetic has a sticky formula that easily spreads and absorbs quickly without leaving an oily layer. After application of the product, wash your hands. The serum comes in a 30 ml pack with a pump that makes it easier to use and dispenses the amount of cosmetic needed for a single use.