Application of milk in cosmetics

Milk is a rich source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. When used in cosmetics, it’s recognized for its highly nourishing and moisturising action. What are applications of milk in cosmetics and how to prepare milk-based DIY beauty products? Here are the recipes.

Milk – application in cosmetics

There isn’t just one type of animal milk used for manufacturing body and hair care products. In most cases the producers use cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk to enrich their cosmetics. Basically, milk is rich in proteins that stimulate collagen, elasticin and hyaluronic acid production, and they are substances determining density, elasticity and skin moisturisation. Due to fatty acids, milk regenerates epidermis and reinforces natural lipid coat of skin. One of them, lactic acid, helps exfoliate dead epidermis cells, contracts skin pores, delicately lights skin tone up and works antiseptic, therefore it serves acne skin type really well.
Since milk’s pH is similar to human skin’s pH, this withe liquid can be used to treat even hypersensitive and delicate skin – after all, it triggers neither irritations nor allergic reactions. Also, it’s a source of anti-oxidants, therefore it combats free radicals and delays skin ageing processes. Additionally, milk contains calcium, phosphor, magnesium and vitamins A, B, D and E, which significantly contribute to boosting hair and skin condition.

Milk in cosmetics – effects

Skin treated with milk becomes firm, smooth and highlighted. Also, it wins even tone. Hair, in turn, is significantly stronger, moisturised and bouncy again.

Homemade milk-based cosmetics – recipes

There are numerous homemade milk-based cosmetics that you can prepare yourself. These include a face tonic, a face mask delivering moisturising or anti-acne action, and hair wash, to name just a few. Regardless of their form, all of them are equally effective and work gently.

  • Milk-based face tonic
    Every day wipe your face skin area with milk as the last step of your make-up removal routine. Wait a few minutes during which you can sense delicately unpleasant sensation of tight skin. Then, rinse milk and follow with a moisturising cream. After a week of regular use, you should notice improvement of your skin condition in the form of evened skin tone, closed skin pores and reduced number of acne.
  • Milk-based moisturising face mask
    Put 2 spoons of oat flakes (you can blend them to facilitate spreading them on your face) into a bowl and cover them with a half glass of milk. Wait 30 minutes to strain the oat flakes. Apply the pulp to the face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Thanks to this face mask your skin will become radiant, highlighted and definitely smoother.