How to look younger? 10 effective tips for (not only!) mature skin

Youth is too short, isn’t it? As the two well-known sayings go: we have to be young at heart and we are only as old as we feel. Unfortunately, this conviction isn’t entirely true. Definitely, a person who came up with this ‘wisdom’ wasn’t a woman.

Wrinkles, droopy cheeks and chin, changed face oval, uneven pigmentation, skin dullness… all of the enumerated reveal how old we really are. Luckily, there are ways for keeping your ‘young spirit’ in ‘young body.’ Find out what you can do to look younger without spending money!


1. Get enough sleep at night
Sleep is the best form of our entire body regeneration, including skin. It’s night in particular when all the most crucial self-regenerating processes take place. Thanks to this, in the morning our skin looks healthy, well-rested and we seem to be younger. However, if our skin doesn’t get enough sleep at night, it doesn’t have time to regenerate. Eight-hour nigh-time rest is just the right daily dose of youth for your skin.

2. Get blood pressure lower
High blood pressure encourages wrinkles! For that reason, do your best to constantly control its level. If you notice that your blood pressure has increased recently, eat strawberries or drink grapefruit juice. At the same time, you’ll supply the organism with precious vitamins and minerals. Moreover, strawberries are perfect for being treated as face mask ingredients if you want to even skin tone. Use a fork to smash a few strawberries and apply the pulp to your face. After 15 minutes rinse the fruity face mask off. You’ll see your skin gaining this neat, high-coloured and youthful features you seek for.

3. Keep calm so the lost art of relaxation
Did you know that there are some world regions where the Philosophy of Calm is the vital factor determining your ease of mind, happiness, health and flawless looks? The truth is, our appearance depends on a bunch of factors where stress is one of the sworn enemies of youth. Therefore, if you only have a possibility – relax! Find a moment in your overloaded daily schedule for having a rest – even a short one. Free your mind of worries, spend time with just yourself or arrange a short ‘sweet idleness’ with your friend. In Scandinavian countries such leisure time is called hygge, lagom or koselig. Follow the Philosophy of Hygge and it won’t take you long to notice that your skin becomes prettier and smoother day after day.

4. Shield your skin against the sun. Always
UV radiation is a silent murderer of skin cells. It causes serious disturbance of proper skin functioning. Basically, it puts all skin processes out of order, irritates, dehydrates and encourages wrinkles. Bad enough, right?

5. Hydrate
Water is the source of life. The truth is, if it wasn’t for water, life wouldn’t be possible. As it isn’t hard to guess, the life of our cells also depends on water, therefore together with progressing dehydration, skin suppleness drastically decreases. As a result, skin starts featuring blemishing wrinkles and creases. Hence, if you want to supply your skin with the appropriate amount of moisturisation, drink 2 litres of water daily. It’s important to realise that skin is deprived of water also due to various processes taking place inside our organism, therefore it’s important to deliver hydration the same way we lose it. A fairly helpful ally here is hyaluronic acid. Last but not least, realize that even oily and combination skin type requires hydration in order to function properly and remain young for long.

6. Exercise your face
Face yoga is an incredibly good method for getting rid of wrinkles. A set of facial exercises doesn’t only occupy little time but also if done regularly, they work as lifting surgery. Face yoga is both simple and convenient – we can perform it at any part of a day and the effects become visible after two weeks. The good news is that the Internet is full of tutorials on how to perform face yoga in the right way. Why face yoga is effective? It stimulates skin renewal process, makes face muscles more elastic and contributes to skin suppleness boost. In other words, owning to face yoga, skin tissues are tense enough so they aren’t prone to getting flabby so easily.

7. Cleanse your skin
Regular face cleansing is the core without which we will never provide it with the right form of care. Only precisely cleansed skin functions right as the processes taking place in skin are carried out correctly. Moreover, face cleansing frees our skin from toxins and impurities which contribute to wrinkles. The more precisely you wash the face, the more precious substances delivered with creams and masks are able to penetrate skin. To sum up, apart from using make-up removing lotions/gels, apply face peeling once a week.

8. Include oils in your daily skin care
Natural oils is a true godsend. They are free from chemical substances, parabens and petroleum derivatives. Instead, they feature essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, squalene, phytosterols and flavonoids – all the substances necessary for proper skin functioning. Also, they are recognized as agents slowing down skin ageing processes. The best oils of skin rejuvenating action are: argan oil, avocado oil and shea butter.

9. Massage your face
We have already mentioned that our face is a muscle that also likes workout. In order to stimulate it to work and prevent slackening, try to massage your face delicately every day while applying a cream, serum or oil. Thanks to this your skin will ‘forget’ about gravitation and stop getting flabby. As a consequence, you will enjoy having supple cheeks longer.

10. Laugh as often as you can!
It appears that happiness, laugh and so-called joie de vivre serve our skin the cocktail of youth. By frequent smiling and glowing with happiness, our organism produces serotonin (happiness hormone) that is a marvellous source of antioxidants. They, in turn, eliminate free radicals, stimulate face muscles, boost blood circulation, help cells breathe as well as facilitate collagen and elasticin production. All things considered, laugh is a natural youth allay.