SOS for sunburned skin – the most effective methods

This knowledge will certainly be useful. The sun is an important yet treacherous star – its radiation affects our skin mercilessly and although the tan is beautiful (smoothes out the skin, visually slims the body, and even dries out any imperfections) often also gives us unpleasant surprises in the form of burns, rapid dehydration of the epidermis, irritations, pigmentation spots and wrinkles. How to protect the skin against sunburn?

Remedies for sunburns – buttermilk, yoghurt and milk bath

One of the most popular methods of bringing relief to sun irritation known for years is still irreplaceable. Kefir, buttermilk or yoghurt have soothing and regenerating properties, and perfectly soothe sunburns. All thanks to the content of B vitamins and vitamins: A, D, E. They are enriched with minerals (zinc, calcium and a lot of protein) and perfectly cope with sunburned skin. Just place them on irritated (sunburned) places.

Another great remedy for burns is bathing in milk. Cleopatra was infallible: milk soothes irritations and moisturizes, and by the way, perfectly smoothes and firms the epidermis. Pour 2-3 litres of milk into the bathtub making sure that the bath is not too hot – the sunburned skin is best served by a lukewarm bath lasting 15-20 minutes.

Remedies for sunburns – honey poultice

Honey is a great remedy for burned skin. It’s best to choose organic honey that has the highest concentration of active ingredients. There are substances with bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity (inhibin, rutin, lysozyme), which additionally strongly regenerate the skin. Honey has been known for centuries as a healing agent, it is used not only for sunburns but also for cracked and chapped lips.

Remedies for sunburns – oat baths and masks

Fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and large quantities of protein – these ingredients are found in oat flakes. A poultice (mask) with its content perfectly moisturizes, heals and soothes sunburned skin. Oats can be ground and enriched with lavender infusion, which will intensify the healing effect of oatmeal. A good solution is to combine them with natural yoghurt and honey and apply to irritated skin, or hair together with dry lavender leaves, which can also be put in a bathtub while bathing.

Remedies for sunburns – coconut oil and shea butter

Natural oils are known for their healing, regenerating, moisturising an rejuvenating qualities. For sunburn, solid oils, such as coconut oil or shea butter will the best. They are the source of good fatty acids, vitamins, minerals of regenerating properties. WHat’s more, shea butter contains allantoin and natural filters protecting the skin against solar radiation. Oils don’t just soothe the skin but also provide protection by creating an occlusive layer on its surface and moisturise it. Coconut oil has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. In addition, oils also protect the hair from sun damage.

Remedies for sunburns – masks and poultice with strawberries

Strawberries are fruit that work perfectly as natural cosmetics – they deal with skin irritations, tone, soothe, and nourish. Strawberries also have bactericidal properties, and when applied to the face, they gently tighten and smooth, restoring its healthy colour. Smach the strawberries creating a paste and simply put it on the skin and leave it like that for about 10-15 minutes. You can add a little honey to the mask to intensify its effect.