Ways for dealing with post acne marks and fine lines. How does Yellow Peel work?

Yellow Peel is a multi-phase peeling that works on a few skin layers. It belongs to the chemical peeling group, yet it’s the most safe from all of them. Yellow Peel doesn’t only contribute to fighting acne but also rejuvenates sensitive eye skin area and hands. How does Yellow Peel procedure look like and what are its outcomes? Who can benefit from Yellow Peel treatment and what are contraindications to the procedure?

Yellow Peel – The process

Yellow Peel is a gentle chemical peeling that delicately helps skin exfoliate (even hand skin and eye skin area). When all ingredients necessary for the procedure are combined, the peeling turns yellow and this is exactly where its name comes from.

Yellow Peel procedure consists of three stages during which there are different substances used, yet they always answer individual needs of skin.

Stage I
The procedure begins with cleansing skin using a special preparation that is rinsed off after 20 minutes. After that the superficial layer of epidermis is removed due to glycolic and silicic acid. Both acids affect skin strongly, therefore they have to be removed after just a few minutes.

Stage II
Elasticin and collagen production is stimulated. Thanks to this, skin becomes more supple and looks well-rested. So as to make this possible, a few layers of retinoic acid and vitamin C are applied. They are removed after 15-20 minutes.

Stage III
Next, acids such as phytochemical, kojic and azelaic are brought into action. All of them reduce visibility of small blemishes and discolorations, regulate synthesis of melanin and prevent skin imperfections.

Yellow Peel – The outcomes
Yellow Peel delivers the following results:

  • it reduces wrinkles,
  • it lightens up blemishes,
  • it makes skin more dense,
  • it stimulates blood circulation and enhances skin tone.

Who can benefit from Yellow Peel treatment?
Yellow Peel is recommended for those who struggle with:

  • acne-prone skin,
  • post-acne marks,
  • discolorations and sun-induced pigmentation marks,
  • fine lines.

Yellow Peel – Contraindications
Although Yellow Peel is the least invasive form of all chemical peelings, it can irritate as well. For that reason, there are groups of people who shouldn’t undergo the treatment. These are:

  • people suffering from herpes and other infectious skin diseases,
  • people fighting against dermatitis,
  • people having capillary skin,
  • pregnant women.